Doctor Who: The Rings Of Akhaten (2013) Review

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten Rescue Mission 20

“The Rings Of Akhaten” is written by Neil Cross, the showrunner of “Luther”, who was brought onboard Doctor Who’s writing team by one of the show’s producers, Caroline Skinner, during its seventh season. He was originally commissioned to write “Hide” (one of the first episodes of the season to be written and filmed), and because Steven Moffat liked his work on that story so much, he was asked to write a second episode as well that wound up becoming “The Rings Of Akhaten”. With “The Rings Of Akhaten”, the show decided to go big for Clara’s first trip to an alien planet (after her introduction in “The Bells Of Saint John“), and deliver some more of the spectacle Doctor Who had promised its audience for the show’s 50th anniversary season. Neil Cross frequently consulted with Steven Moffat about his ideas, and Steven’s input as showrunner wound up heavily impacting the final version of this episode: particularly when it came to Clara’s role in this story, and Neil Cross giving her her time to shine in the climax.

I honestly wish we saw more episodes from Neil after Series 7, because “The Rings Of Akhaten” and “Hide” are both pretty creative episodes, that give the Doctor and Clara a lot of rich, charismatic characterization in their forty-five minute runtimes. “The Rings Of Akhaten” was actually panned pretty heavily when it first aired, because a lot of people thought the tone of this episode was too saccharine, and the premise was too outlandish, even for Doctor Who. Now that several years has passed, the fandom has a much kinder view of it these days, and I’m glad to see this episode has gotten a lot more appreciation, because it’s actually one my favorite episodes from Series 7, alongside “The Angels Take Manhattan” and “The Name Of The Doctor“. The first thirty-minutes make for a sweet, adventurous, feel-good story, while the last fifteen minutes turn this episode into something truly special.

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten The Long Song 13

“The Rings Of Akhaten” actually starts on a pretty creepy note, that confirms the Doctor (Matt Smith) is definitely starting to become obsessed with the mystery of an ‘Impossible Girl’, when we’re treated to a montage of the Doc stalking Clara down her timeline: spying on her and her parents during her formative years, to see if there’s anything unusual about her. He only winds up determining that she’s just a regular human with an average, unremarkable background, which makes him more stumped than ever, but he doesn’t let on that he has any ulterior motives about wanting her to travel with him, when he goes to pick her up in the present day for her first trip through time.

The Doctor winds up taking her to a rings system in space comprised of seven worlds, who all worship a sleeping god in a temple and gather together once a millennia to appease him. As we established in “The Satan Pit“, the Doctor has been around for a long time and he’s an agnostic individual who believes in cold, hard facts over myths. He doesn’t believe in religious stories, like the kind the spacefarers subscribe to, but he doesn’t see any harm in them either. He won’t deny other people their faith unless it’s hurting someone, and in this episode, it’s definitely going to hurt someone, since the Doctor and Clara eventually discover that the Old God and his servants have been indoctrinating a little girl since birth to become a human sacrifice, whether she wants to or not. The Doctor is quite rightly disgusted when he learns of this, and he doesn’t waste any time trying to talk her out of it. He makes a pretty convincing argument, because as we all know, the Doctor has quite a way with words.

The Doctor decides to stand up for Merry and her people, and while he’s doing so, he decides to pass along his own personal philosophy to Clara, to give her an idea of what traveling with him is all about. If there’s a grave injustice happening, if people are in danger, you have a moral imperative to help, to do what’s right when nobody else will, even if it’s dangerous, which is something that takes true courage. In the Doctor’s eyes, every life has value, every life is precious, because every life is fleeting and finite. Any system that sacrifices one innocent life for the sake of a thousand, like the kind Akhaten is built upon, is sick, cowardly and unacceptable. It cannot be allowed to stand. The Doctor is personally appalled by the way the Old God has exploited and oppressed these people for thousands of years, so he’s willing to fight a god to save a planet, despite the terrible odds stacked against him.

Eventually, he decides to sacrifice his memories by letting the creature feast upon them, in the hopes that doing so will kill it. In a rare moment of vulnerability for the Doctor, we see him bare his soul as he looks back over his entire life – including the parts he usually chooses not to remember, because they hurt so much. Old wounds that have long since scarred, and fresh wounds that still haven’t healed fully, like what happened in “The Angels Take Manhattan” a few episodes ago. Matt Smith combines passion, anger, pride and grief into a single performance, and as a result, the climax becomes one of his finest hours as the Doctor. The Doctor’s plan fails, because as glorious as that scene was, this episode was not about him. Instead, Clara steps up to save the day with her own ingenious sacrifice, that fully cements her newfound friendship with the Doctor. However, the final scene makes it clear that the Doctor still missed the whole point of this episode. In his desire to solve a paradox, he’s so fixated on what Clara might be that he’s currently overlooking who she is as a person (which turns out to be the true reason why she became an ‘Impossible Girl’), and he won’t learn from his error in judgment until the season finale.

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten Infinite Potential 8

In “The Rings Of Akhaten”, we learn a lot more about Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), the things she values and the experiences that shaped her life. A long time ago, a stray leaf in the wind brought Clara’s parents together when it led Ellie Oswald to save Dave Oswald’s life. So in a way, the leaf also brought Clara into the world, as the end result of her parents’ love for each other, and it became a cherished family heirloom. Clara loved her mom (who really helped to shape the person she grew up to be) dearly, so she was devastated when her mom died young and she lost her as a teen. To this day, Clara still keeps the leaf around to remember Ellie and honor her memory, and since she’s now living out her childhood dreams of seeing the world with the Doctor, Clara is feeling especially nostalgic.

The Doctor takes her to a world where sentimental objects are used as currency, where memories hold weight, and a person’s soul is considered to be the total sum of all the experiences they’ve had throughout their lives. Clara has a blast, trying to soak in as much alien culture as she can, when she bumps into a Merry Gejelh, a little girl on the run. Clara’s compassion for children is one of her most defining traits as a character: she doesn’t know anything about this kid or her world in general, but she cannot in good conscience ignore a terrified child in need. So she reaches out to her as a friend to comfort her and shares a story with her about her mom teaching her to face her fears as a girl, passing along Ellie’s wisdom. Clara’s bond with Merry is pretty cute, since she basically acts as her self-appointed big sis. Clara unknowingly talks Merry into putting herself in danger, and once she realizes that, she immediately takes responsibility for her mistake and rushes to save her. She tries to take the Doctor’s words of wisdom to heart and be the very best version of herself that she can be: for Merry and her planet.

When the Doctor’s plan to destroy the Old God fails, Clara manages to figure out a better solution. Overwhelming the beast with the past didn’t work, so she decides to kill it with the infinite potential of a future that went unlived – symbolized by a single, unlikely leaf. Over the years, Ellie Oswald’s memory has given Clara strength and helped her stay brave in trying times. Here, it actually manages to save an entire world. Because the life Ellie had, the impact she had on the world around her and the people she loved, it all mattered just as much as the Doctor’s thousand years of adventures: it’s an incredibly stirring, heartwarming sentiment from a show that has always championed the value of a simple human life. There are plenty of episodes of Doctor Who where the power of love saves the day somehow, but “The Rings Of Akhaten” is one of the rare times it feels completely earned by everything that built up to it.

Afterwards, Clara gets the Doctor to admit he sought her out as a companion because she reminds him of someone, so she makes it clear that she’ll only keep traveling with him if he treats her as her own person, and not as a stand-in for someone else. In other words, she has no intention of being what Martha was for the Tenth Doctor. And the people of Akhaten make sure to give her their thanks, for saving their world. “The Rings Of Akhaten” was quite a character-building episode for Clara, that allowed her to earn her stripes as a companion for something she did instead of her echoes. In this episode, Clara was kind enough to reach out to Merry about her problems, brave enough to get involved in alien business that she barely understood, and selfless enough to give up one of her family’s most precious heirlooms to save a world that was not her own thousands of years into the future. She definitely proved that she’s companion material, and I gained a lot of respect for after this adventure.

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten Marketplace 6

“The Rings Of Akhaten” devotes a lot more time to world-building than Doctor Who usually does: going out of its way to establish the unique setting of this story. Most of this episode takes place within a rings system in the far future, where the citizens of seven worlds both fear and worship a sleeping god who lies at the heart of their home. Every time a new millennium comes, they gather together to praise him and provide him with offerings to appease him. The Doctor naturally thinks it’s all a myth, but since this is “Doctor Who”, it turns out there’s some truth to the tall tales.

A giant alien parasite did set up shop in their neighborhood, thousands of years ago, so it could be worshipped, and since it’s a sentient creature, it’s also quite the hypocrite that demands love and respect from the people who depend upon it, but gives none in return. So, as the Doctor swiftly surmises, it’s basically your run of the mill tyrant who rules through fear and intimidation. It demands that the people of the ring system give it something of immense value every time it wakes up from its slumber, which is why the Queen of Years exists. The Queen of Years is the vessel of Akhaten’s culture, who knows every fact, every detail and every song about their culture: the perfect type of food for a creature that feeds on memories. While the people of Akhaten trying their absolute best to keep the sleeping titan resting, a select few of them keep the Queen of Years around as a contingency plan if worst comes to worst. The Queen of Years by the way is a little girl who they’ve been indoctrinating since birth to accept her fate as a human sacrifice as a necessary evil for the greater good, so that everyone else can live – and this has been traditional in their culture for quite some time.

The current Queen of Years, Merry Gejelh, rebels and runs away, because she’s afraid of the terrible responsibility that’s been foisted upon her, just like any child would be in her position. Clara gives her hope and convinces her that she won’t fail at her duties (because she has no idea what’s truly at stake here) – and then everything gets shot to hell. Once the Old God kidnaps her and commands she become his dinner, Merry accepts that she needs to die, but thankfully, the Doctor and Clara intervene and stand up for her. During one of several beautiful speeches in this episode, the Doctor breaks down his view of the world to Merry to make her aware of her own value, her own uniqueness, and her own right to live – to really drive home just how cruel and depraved it was that the adults around her would demand that kind of sacrifice from her, especially her so-called god.

After receiving plenty of emotional support from Clara, and plenty of inspiration from the Doctor, Merry wants to fight back so her world can be free of the Old God’s tyranny. During the climax, she gathers together with the other members of her chorus, so they can all show their support to the Doctor – which is why “The Long Song” packs so much power. It’s not just the Doctor standing up to the Old God and delivering a passionate speech, condemning everything he stands for. It’s also Merry Gejhel and her people finally finding their courage, refusing to be passive victims of a false god anymore, taking back control of their lives – and it is a beautiful sight to behold (thanks in no small part to Emillia Jones being a very talented singer). Clara finishes the job and kills off the lumbering tyrant for good, and afterwards, Merry and the others give her back her mother’s ring (which she had to trade away earlier, to save Merry’s life), to thank her for all she and the Doctor did for them, which puts a sweet little bow on this episode.

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten New Planet 4

“The Rings Of Akhaten” is directed by Farren Blackburn, who returns to direct his second episode for Doctor Who after “The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe” earlier this season. “The Rings Of Akhaten” is one of those episodes where the costume department has a massive workload to contend with. Since this episode is filled to the brim with alien extras, dozens and dozens of prosthetic alien costumes had to be created for this episode, to fill out several packed crowd shots. The set design throughout Series 7 has been pretty spectacular so far, from the Dalek Asylum, to the Silurian ship, to the town of Mercy, to Victorian London, and the show’s spiffy production values do not let up in this episode either. “The Rings Of Akhaten” has an Egyptian aesthetic in space going on for it – with golden temples floating out amongst asteroids and other space debris – that’s pretty gorgeous to lay your eyes on. Neil Cross’s vision of a bustling alien world is only held back by some wonky greenscreen effects at times, during the space moped chase scenes.

“The Rings Of Akhaten” is quite easily one of the best scores Murray Gold has written for the show, and the closest thing we’ll ever get to a Doctor Who musical. This story is one of the very rare times where Murray’s music gets to become diegetic, and he takes a very similar approach to it as he did with “Abigail’s Song” in “A Christmas Carol“. He writes an original, one-off melody to serve as the main theme of the episode; he seeds it in a few instrumental tracks like “The Leaf” and “Merry Gejelh” to set up the building blocks of it early on; then he gives it lyrics for the first time in “God Of Akhaten“; and finally he lets it flourish to its full potential in the two climatic tracks, “The Long Song” and “Infinite Potential“, where the Doctor and Clara bare their souls to Old God to bring him down. Other great pieces he wrote for this episode include “Something Awesome“, “Market Day“, “The Speeder“, “Never Wake” and “Always You, Never A Replacement“.

“The Rings Of Akhaten” is an episode that honestly makes you appreciate just how good Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman are as the Doctor and Clara, because this story was a pretty fantastic outing for both of them. And after I was a bit on the fence about her before, it’s the episode that fully sold me on Clara as a companion in 2013.

Rating: 10/10.

Side Notes:

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten The Long Song 20

* “I’d like to see… I would like to see… what I would like to see is… something awesome!” Girl, you’re in luck, cause the Doc can certainly show you plenty of that.

* “The Pyramid of the Rings of Akhaten. It’s a holy site for the Sun Singers of Akhat” “The who of what?

* “You’ve been here before?” “Yes, I came here a long time ago with my granddaughter!” Heh, another Susan reference. That’s two in one season.

* “So, why is everyone here?” “For the Festival of Offerings. It takes place every thousand years or so, when the rings align. It’s quite a big thing, locally, like Pancake Tuesday”.

* “I’m the vessel of our history. I know every chronicle, every poem, every legend, every song” “Every single one? Blimey. I hated history”.

* “Listen. There’s one thing you need to know about travelling with me. Well, one thing apart from the blue box and the two hearts. We don’t walk away!”

* “Oh, that’s interesting. A frequency modulated acoustic lock. The key changes ten million zillion squillion times a second” “Can you open it?” “Technically, no. In reality, also no, but still, let’s give it a stab!”

* “Are you coming, then? Did I mention that the door is immensely heavy? Really quite extraordinarily heavy!”

* “Hey, do you mind if I tell you a story? One you might not have heard. All the elements in your body were forged many, many millions of years ago, in the heart of a far away star that exploded and died. That explosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deep space. After so, so many millions of years, these elements came together to form new stars and new planets. And on and on it went. The elements came together and burst apart, forming shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings. Until eventually, they came together to make you. You are unique in the universe. There is only one Merry Gejelh. And there will never be another. Getting rid of that existence isn’t a sacrifice, it is a waste”.

* I just have to say, the planet Akhaten – the Old God – looks a lot like a Jack-O-Lantern when it’s all lit up.

* “It’s really big” “I’ve seen bigger” “Really?” “Are you joking?! It’s massive!

* “I walked away from the last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time! No space! Just me! I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman! I’ve watched universes freeze and creations burn! I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe! I have lost things you will never understand! And I know things: secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken! Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze! So come on, then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!

* “Still hungry? Well, I brought something for you. This. The most important leaf in human history. The most important leaf in human history! It’s full of stories, full of history, and full of a future that never got lived. Days that should have been that never were, passed on to me. This leaf isn’t just the past, it’s a whole future that never happened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day we live, an infinity. All the days that never came! And these are all my mum’s!”

* “Infinite Potential“, the instrumental reprise of “The Long Song” that underscores Clara’s speech, would later make another return in “The Time Of The Doctor“, during the Eleventh Doctor’s final bow before he regenerated, which was a nice callback to one of the highlights of his tenure in my opinion.

* “Well, whoever she was, I’m not her, okay? If you want me to travel with you, that’s fine. But as me. I’m not a bargain basement stand-in for someone else. I’m not going to compete with a ghost” Quite right, Clara, quite right.

* “They wanted you to have it” “Who did?” “Everyone. All the people you saved. You. No one else: Clara” Aww…

Further Reading:

Doctor Who The Rings Of Akhaten Home Again 3

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25 Responses to Doctor Who: The Rings Of Akhaten (2013) Review

  1. Pingback: Doctor Who: The Beast Below (2010) Review | The Cool Kat's Reviews

  2. Pingback: Doctor Who: The Fires Of Pompeii (2008) Review | The Cool Kat's Reviews

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  4. Pingback: Doctor Who: The End Of The World (2005) Review | The Cool Kat's Reviews

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  7. Cbryson says:

    I see you give a lot of episodes 10/10, I’m wondering if you’re ever going to make a list of your all-time favourite episodes?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep. When I reach Series 10 and I wrap up the Moffat era, I’m planning to make lists where I pick out the top five stories from each NuWho Doctor I’ve covered so far. Alternatively, I might make top ten lists for the RTD era and the Moffat era. It could go either way.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cbryson says:

        My favourites would be Human Nature/The Family of Blood, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

        Liked by 1 person

      • Very nice picks, and I can easily see why they’re all favorites of yours. The Series 1 finale was an excellent swansong for the Ninth Doctor which wrapped up his character arc in a beautifully dark way, and Rose got to kick some Dalek ass during the climax. The “Impossible Planet” two-parter let us see a different side of the Doctor for a change when he was challenged by something even he didn’t know, and Rose really stepped up as a heroine again in the Doctor’s absence. And “Human Nature / The Family Of Blood” was quite possibly David Tennant’s best performance in the show, when he got to sink his teeth into something entirely out of the norm for the series.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Looking back on it, a lot of my favorite stories from the RTD era and the Moffat era are from the Tennant and Smith years.


        1. Human Nature / The Family Of Blood.
        2. Utopia / The Sound Of Drums / Last Of The Time Lords.
        3. The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End.
        4. Silence In The Library / Forest Of The Dead.
        5. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit.


        1. The Impossible Astronaut / Day Of The Moon.
        2. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang.
        3. A Good Man Goes To War / Let’s Kill Hitler.
        4. The Time Of Angels / Flesh And Stone.
        5. The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People.

        From Nine and Twelve’s time, I’m also really fond of “The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances”, “Bad Wolf / The Parting Of The Ways”, “Under The Lake / Before The Flood” and “World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls”.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cbryson says:

        Totally agree with Human Nature as the best Tennant story! It’s the perfect Who two-parter. The Season 3 finale I would consider decent, I wouldn’t put it nearly as high as you did but I don’t dislike it either like many people. Stolen Earth/Journeys End is highky underrated and I agree with it at 3rd place, it’s basically the Infinity War of the RTD Universe. Silence in the Library is pretty great and I understand why you out it so high, I would probably place it just slightly lower because I feel that part 2 overshadows part 1 to a ridiculous degree but they’re still both great. If you’ve read my Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit review then you know I absolutely adore it.

        I haven’t seen/remembered much of Eleven or Twelve, I should probably watch more of them.

        Thirteen’s stories are rubbish but sadly I’ve seen every episode of hers, no idea why I suppose I only got into the show over the last few years becuase of the Tennant and Eccleston stories and became a huge fan.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cbryson says:

        Looking over it, here would be my favourites;
        Season #1 has Dalek, which I absolutely love and consider a stone-cold classic, Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, a terrifying two-parter with a chilling atmosphere and setting, and of course Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, which I consider to be one of my absolute favourites. Boom Town is the worst of the series because nothing happens and it’s obviously just cheap pad, through it’s not necessarily terrible. The End of the World is underrated and fun. Rose (the episode) started the show but as a story it’s meh. Aliens of London/World War Three isn’t terrible but also not great. But a great season overall. Eccleston is an underrated Doctor.

        Season #2 has The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, which I again absolutely love, and a excellent , emotional in Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. The Girl in the Fireplace seems to be commonly considered the best but I think it’s just good. Tooth and Claw is excellent and heavily underrated. Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel is one I see you love but I’m a little more mixed on. Haven’t seen any of the ‘famous three’, as I like to call it (the three episodes hated by most of the fanbase – Fear Her, Love and Monsters, The Idiot’s Lantern). Just a quick note, I actually love the dynamic between 10 and Rose in this season and I don’t get why it gets so much hate in the fanbase.

        Season #3 has my favourite of all time, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, which single-handedly elevates a pretty good season to fantastic. Blink is also amazing, though I see you don’t like it as much as everyone else (which is fine, it might not crack my top 5 either). The finale, Utopia/The Sound of the Drums/Last of the Time Lords is so ambitious but so flawed it becomes one of the most interesting, and also entertaining, stories of the show. Utopia is okay, a little average until the ending but good, Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords is amazing and at the same time not great. But still good. Smith and Jones is fun. Haven’t seen the Dalek two-parter because I’ve seen some scenes of it and I honestly can’t stand it (though you seem to like it). Martha is a good companion, but I probably don’t like her as much as Rose.

        Season #4 has the most epic episode of all time, Stolen Earth/Journeys End, which is amazing, and the brilliant Library two-parter Aside from that it’s pretty mixed, but mostly good. Donna is a great companion. The Sontaran Stratagem is pretty meh. Not as much to say, just a good season all round.

        Season #5 is one I’ve barely seen any of, but I have seen Vincent and the Doctor and it was quite good. I’ m definitely watching Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone, it looks fantastic.

        Seasons #6 – #7 I’ve seen plenty of snippets from but haven’t seen many full episodes. Impossible Planet/Day of the Moon looks very interesting so I’m going to give it a go. Day of the Doctor is good.

        Seasons #8 – #10 are same again, through I’ve heard they’re weaker than seasons 1-7.

        Season #11 – Ugh. First of all, it’s not Jodie’s fault her stories are atrocious. They are because of the poor writing. Okay, now thats out of the way, Season 11 is bad. So bad, in fact, it nearly put me off the show itself. Rose and It Takes you Away are the best episodes, only because they actually have interesting themes, but even they fall apart under the slightest interference. Kerblam, The Tsuranga Conundrum and Arachnids in the UK are atrocious. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos is…. Ugh, lets move on.

        Season #12 – Better than Season 11, but still weak. Spyfall is entertaining enough and Fugitive of the Judoon is by far Jodie’s best story, but otherwise it’s bad. Stupid twist aside, Timelesd Children is nothing special. Orphan 55 is hilariously bad. Praxeus is a nothing. Haunting of Villa Di Diodati is a nothing. Most of the season is honestly a nothing.

        (I spent far, far too long on that.)

        Liked by 1 person

      • I agree, Series 1 is surprisingly consistent (especially the latter half, where Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat contribute some of their best work). I consider “Aliens Of London / World War Three” to be the weakest story of that year, and even it still managed to earn itself an average passing grade.

        I do think the Doctor Who fandom is sometimes a bit too hard on Rose and her relationship with Ten in Series 2: there are episodes where they grate on me, but there are also episodes where I find their relationship to be charming and a bit bittersweet, like “The Impossible Planet” and “Fear Her”. There’s a certain section of the fandom who hate the idea of the Doctor being romantically in love with anyone, so they tend to exaggerate Ten and Rose’s worst traits to make them sound like they’re absolutely insufferable together.

        Series 3 is the point where I really grew to like the Tenth Doctor, because this season devotes a lot of time to exploring his personality flaws (like his habit of trying to avoid his problems, the way he carelessly puts everyone in “Human Nature” in grave danger with a poorly thought out plan, or the revelation that he straight up ditched Jack in “Utopia”), and as a result, he becomes a very well-rounded character. An incredibly competent hero, who can still be very fallible. Martha also has a pretty strong character arc for a single-season companion, as she discovers her own inner strength and really steps up as a heroine throughout this season. Lastly, I really like the main theme of this season – the pros and cons of human nature – that’s explored from different angles in episodes like “Gridlock”, “Daleks In Manhattan”, “The Lazarus Experiment”, “The Family Of Blood” and “Last Of The Time lords”. Upon rewatch, Series 3 is probably the RTD era season that has the most thematic build-up to the finale, and I appreciate that.

        For me, Series 4 is about on par with Series 3, though Series 3 just manages to edge it out, since “Partners In Crime” and “The Unicorn And The Wasp” are both pretty forgettable. David Tennant and Catherine Tate had some very charming chemistry as a comedic duo, and this season had a lot of bangers like “The Fires Of Pompeii”, “Silence In The Library”, “Midnight”, “Turn Left” and “The Stolen Earth”. I also always feel so bad for Ten when I rewatch this season, because this dude gets his heart ripped out so many times this year. In “Voyage Of The Damned”, he has to watch Astrid die. In “The Fires Of Pompeii”, he and Donna have to let 20,000 people in Pompeii die for the greater good of the world. In “The Doctor’s Daughter”, he watches Jenny ‘die’. In “Forest Of The Dead”, he watches River die. In “Midnight”, he almost gets tossed out into the vacuum of space to die. And in “Journey’s End”, he has to mindwipe Donna, or else she’ll also die. And things only get more angsty from there in the 2009 specials.

        In my opinion, Series 8 – 10, the Peter Capaldi years, aren’t as consistently strong as the David Tennant and Matt Smith years, but there’s still a lot of good material to be found in that period, and it was definitely an interesting change from the norm to have a less positive and less socially outgoing Doctor, after Ten and Eleven were both very cheery and extroverted. Series 9 in particular is quite a mixed bag: several of the Twelfth Doctor’s best stories are in that season, but there are also stories like “The Zygon Invasion” and “Sleep No More” that can really drag. After having the same companion from Series 7 to Series 9, the Doctor got some new fresh blood in the TARDIS in Series 10, and that shake-up in the core cast felt like it was just what the show needed for Twelve’s final season.

        I don’t hate the Thirteenth Doctor’s era like a lot of fans do, but I do agree that it’s probably the era with the weakest writing in NuWho so far. Despite being the main character of the show, Jodie is given very little meaty material to chew on until Series 12, and her Doctor can be very passive. Her companions all have thinly sketched personalities, and it feels like there’s one too many of them, to the point where they’re all competing against each other for screentime (Yaz spends the most time third-wheeling). A lot of episodes in Series 11 are very forgettable, and Series 12 feels like it’s trying a bit too hard to bring back things that were popular in the RTD era for the sake of nostalgia. Series 11 and 12 do have a few highlights (like “Rosa”, “The Demons Of Punjab”, “Spyfall” and “Nikola Tesla’s Night Of Terror”), but there’s also a lot of mediocrity.


      • Cbryson says:

        (This thread will have be longer than the whole show soon lol)

        Yeah, I definitely think Boom Town is worse than Aliens of London. I think Part 1 had a nice build-up to the climax, although Part 2, World War Three, is less easy to defend. Boom Town is really just a bit of a nothing.

        I actually don’t really care about Rose and Ten’s romantic relationship, what I like about the duo is the chemistry between Billie Piper and David Tennant, which I think is perfect.

        Agree that Seasons 3 and 4 are same level of quality. 3 probably gets pushed up by the fact that Human Nature is a story there (the only story I’ve ever given an unaltered 10/10 to on my blog, I’m quite a hard marker).

        I’m still quite a newbie to Seasons 5-10. The concessions I get is; the fanbase loves Season 5 and my friends find it a little overrated but still good; Season 6 gets too confusing but is still fun, my friends say the first half is good and the second half is bad; Season 7 gets a lot of hate but my friends actually like it the most out of the Matt Smith era; Season 8 some love and some dislike, it’s mostly to do with Peter Capaldi’s Doctor and how you feel about him, my friends aren’t a big fan of this season; My friends don’t really like Season 9 (they hate Woman who Lived/Zygon Invasion/Sleep no More and find Heaven Sent overrated) and the fan Councensus is very… Controversial; Season 10 seems to be the most liked season of Capaldi overall.

        Yeah, I really don’t like the Jodie era. Spyfall, Rosa and Fugitive of the Judoon are okay (I find Demons boring), but a lot of stories range from forgettable to downright bad. I think the companions are rubbish and Jodie, while she could be an okay Doctor, is written very poorly. I actually quite like the new Master, through.

        I like to rank things, so I’ll give my top 5 favourite RTD stories;

        1. Human Nature/The Family of Blood
        2. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
        3. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
        4. The Stolen Earth/Journeys End
        5. Blink

        Here’s my ranking of the Jodie episodes (because why not, also I haven’t seen evr single episode – the Witchfinders and Can you Hear Me? I skipped out on, and have no urgent feelings to watch them.)

        1. Fugitive of the Judoon
        2. Spyfall
        3. Rosa
        4. Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
        5. Resolution (a lot of it is brainless action so at least its entertaining)
        6. It Takes you Away
        7. The Haunting of Villa Diodati
        8. The Ghost Mommunment
        9. Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children (I suppose its interesting, but I don’t like it)
        10. Demons of the Punjab
        11. Revoultion of the Daleks
        12. The Woman who Fell to Earth (some people likd this one, I respectfully disagree)
        13. Praxeus
        14. Arachnids in the U.K
        15. Orphan 55
        16. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
        17. The Tauranga Conundrum
        18. Kerblam (the story is atrocious, and the worst part is it COULD have been okay.)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Like a lot of people, I was very hard on Series 7 when it was airing (especially since it was stretched out over two years), but I’ve grown to appreciate it more over time. And I can see how someone would like it the most out of the three Matt Smith era seasons. Series 5 and 6 both had very ambitious, larger-than-life story arcs, and there were points where they could almost feel like they were a bit too much, a bit too convoluted. I really enjoyed this approach, but I also know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. Series 7 is easily the most laidback Eleventh Doctor season – with the focus primarily being on telling a strong, standalone story every week – and while I’ve been rewatching it for these reviews, I’ve been surprised by just how much I’ve been enjoying it.

        Oh yes, the reception that the Series 9 finale got was very mixed, even to this day. I sometimes like to visit the Doctor Who subreddit so I can gauge how the fandom feels about different periods in the show, and the threads devoted to “Face The Raven / Heaven Sent / Hell Bent” usually tend to blow up, with a lot of people arguing about whether or not it was a good way to wrap up the season. Without divulging a ton of spoilers, I will say a major factor in how you feel about that story is how much you like Clara and her relationship with the Doctor, because that’s the main focus of that finale, above anything else.

        Nice ranking. You didn’t miss much with those two episodes you skipped. “The Witchfinders” is a good story, but “Can You Hear Me?” is one of the most bland and forgettable episodes of the Whittaker era, in my opinion, and it manages to top “Orphan 55” as my least favorite episode of Series 12.

        I’ve never thought to rank Jodie’s episodes from best to worst before now, but I suppose my own list would look something like this.

        1. Spyfall, Parts I & II.
        2. Ascension Of The Cybermen / The Timeless Children.
        3. The Haunting Of Villa Diodatti.
        4. Rosa.
        5. Nikola Tesla’s Night Of Terror.
        6. It Takes You Away.
        7. The Witchfinders.
        8. Resolution.
        9. Revolution Of The Daleks.
        10. Praxeus.
        11. The Ghost Monument.
        12. Fugitive Of The Judoon.
        13. The Woman Who Fell To Earth.
        14. Demons Of The Punjab.
        15. The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos.
        16. Orphan 55.
        17. Arachnids In The UK.
        18. The Tsuranga Conundrum.
        19. Kerblam.
        20. Can You Hear Me?

        Liked by 1 person

    • Joe Y says:

      The Capaldi era is probably the most divisive in the show’s history. No two fans can really agree on anything about it. Only Sylvester McCoy’s run comes close in terms of divisiveness. Some fans love “Listen”, “Kill the Moon”, “The Girl Who Died”, and “Hell Bent”, others view them as complete failures. Hell, fans can’t even agree on which Capaldi season was best. To some, Series 8 and 9 are the peak of the revival, with S10 being a mild step back–to others, it’s the opposite. Me personally, I fall in the first camp. I’d rank the seasons: 9>5=8>1>4=3>6=10>7>2>>>>>>>>>>11/12. My tastes lean more towards Moffat than RTD but I hold both of their eras in very high esteem. Give the Capaldi era a shot–you may find yourself surprised.

      I don’t think the Chibnall era is awful, merely subpar. But subpar hurts after 12 years of sustained greatness.

      My top 20 episodes would be:
      1. “Face the Raven”/”Heaven Sent”/”Hell Bent” (9×10-9×12)
      2. “Midnight” (4×10)
      3. “The Doctor’s Wife” (6×04)
      4. “The Pandorica Opens”/”The Big Bang” (5×12 and 5×13)
      5. “Human Nature”/”The Family of Blood” (3×08 and 3×09)
      6. “Listen” (8×04)
      7. “The Empty Child”/”The Doctor Dances” (1×09 and 1×10)
      8. “Vincent and the Doctor” (5×10)
      9. “The Day of the Doctor”
      10. “Amy’s Choice” (5×07)
      11. “The Girl in the Fireplace” (2×04)
      12. “Mummy on the Orient Express” (8×08)
      13. “Blink” (3×10)
      14. “Bad Wolf”/”The Parting of the Ways (1×12 and 1×13)
      15. “Flatline” (8×09)
      16. “The Impossible Planet”/”The Satan Pit” (2×08 and 2×09)
      17. “The Girl Who Died” (9×05)
      18. “The Girl Who Waited” (6×10)
      19. “Extremis” (10×06)
      20. “The God Complex” (6×11)
      Picking a top 10 is real hard. I could’ve gone on for about 20-30 more.

      Liked by 1 person

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